What Is The Plan Of Salvation? | Amazing Discoveries

What Is The Plan Of Salvation?

An Advocate for Our Time
How does the plan of salvation coincide with the sanctuary depicted in the Bible? Is there even a heavenly sanctuary, and if so, what happens up there? What did the ceremonies and feasts of the old Israelite sanctuary portray? Is God really into blood and sacrifice? Discover new facets to the plan of salvation. In this episode of Total Onslaught you will look into all these questions and more, as you discover the beautiful meaning behind the symbolism, and questions such as "Was the Law Nailed to the Cross?" will be answered. The different laws of the Jewish system will be examined, with a special focus on contrasting the ceremonial law versus the moral laws. Learn about Christ's role in the sanctuary system, and that you have an Advocate on your behalf in the heavenly courts.
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